Susan Lee

Designing for Positive Change

Hello there!

I recently graduated from UC San Diego with a degree in Cognitive Science: Human-Computer Interaction and a minor in Global Health. I am passionate about UX design and hope to utilize design skills that I have learned throughout my time at UCSD to help make a positive difference.


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Qualcomm Thinkabit Thursdays

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Triton Park

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Perks Coffee at UCSD Website

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Contact Me

Qualcomm Thinkabit Thursdays

In this project from the course Cognitive Design Studio, a team of 6 of us used the human-centered design process to improve Qualcomm employees/family members experience at Thursday Tinkering Nights.

My role: UX Researcher

Read about the process

Triton Park

In our Interaction Design class, a group of 4 of us created a mobile web app to reduce the effort and time it takes for UCSD students and staff to find parking on campus.

My role: UX Researcher, UX/UI Designer

Read about the process

Perks Coffee at UCSD Website

A group of 4 of us from the class Practicum in Pro Web Design made a website prototype for Perks Coffee at UCSD to help them increase their visibility to those within and outside the UCSD campus.

My role: UX Researcher, UX/UI Designer

Read about the process